Pricing Plans


3 months


Everything in basic plus:

  • All grammar and vocab units

  • Interactive conversation library

  • Blogs Out Loud

  • Spanglify ChatGPT

  • Cheat sheets

6 months

£29.99 £22.49

Everything in basic plus:

  • All grammar and vocab units

  • Interactive conversation library

  • Blogs Out Loud

  • Spanglify ChatGPT

  • Cheat sheets

12 months

£59.99 £29.99

Everything in basic plus:

  • All grammar and vocab units

  • Interactive conversation library

  • Blogs Out Loud

  • Spanglify ChatGPT
  • Cheat sheets

  • Free compiled audio files

6 months

£22.49/6 months

Everything in basic plus:

  • All grammar and vocab units

  • Interactive conversation library

  • Downloadable audio lessons

  • Spanglify ChatGPT

  • Cheat sheets
Empty space, drag to resize

12 months

£29.99/12 months

Everything in basic plus:

  • All grammar and vocab units

  • Interactive conversation library

  • Downloadable audio lessons

  • Spanglify ChatGPT
  • Cheat sheets

  • Free compiled audio files

Spanglify Basic

Empty space, drag to resize
  • Most grammar and vocab units

  • Integrated flashcards

  • Audio lessons

  • Flashcard bank

  • 1 free conversation

Spanglify Basic

Empty space, drag to resize
  • Most grammar and vocab units

  • Integrated flashcards

  • Review exercises

  • Flashcard bank

  • Downloadable vocab lists

Frequently asked questions

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes, you will have 7 days after your purchase where you are eligible for a full refund. If you do not like Spanglify, or what's worse, have given up learning Spanish, we'll cancel your contract without any penalties or fees.

Why don't you offer a free trial?

Most of our paid resources are downloadable. Many people buy a Spanglify subscription to gain access to these resources, and if we were to offer a free trial, people would be able to download, and then cancel their subscription.

Do I need experience to start?

Our course starts with the complete basics, like gender and sentence structure, so you can go from the ground up, or skip ahead if you already know some Spanish. 

Is the course easy to navigate?

We have designed the course so it's easy to use for everyone, with all the modules and quizzes placed in the order in which we recommend you to do them (if you are a beginner).

When I buy a subscription, where does my money go?

Your money will be invested back into Spanglify to keep it running. Some of these costs include maintaining the servers, growing our list of learners, and payments regarding AI in order to continuously develop and improve Spanglify.
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